Home Forums SYSTEM Semiconductor Optical Amplifier based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    • #68386
      Sumit Sharma

      I want to verify the theoretical model of a 2*2 semiconductor optical amplifier based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (SOA-MZI) switch from the following paper link (<a href=”https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0030399209001388&#8243; rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Mach–Zehnder interferometer-based all-optical reversible logic gate</a>) on OptiSystem, where two SOAs (SOA-1 and SOA-2) are inserted in each arm of MZI (as shown in Figure 1). The incoming signal pulse at the wavelength λ2 , enters port-1, is split equally by this coupler C1 (50:50) and propagates simultaneously in the two arms.No data is put into port-2, i.e., it is kept open. At the same time, pulsed signal at the wavelength λ1 enters the upper arm, through coupler C2 such that most power passes through the upper arm. It saturates the SOA-1 and changes its Index of refraction, while the SOA-2 gets the unsaturated gain. As a result, a differential phase shift can be achieved between the data signal of two arms. Hence, light is present in the bar port (Port 3). However, when no control signal is passed, both the SOAs get same unsaturated gain, resulting to the presence of light at the cross port (Port 4).

      Is there any way in OptiSystem, such that the SOA results the phase change depending on the presence or absence of input.

      I have designed the same structure on Optisystem. However, I am not able to decide on what parameters of SOAs, the structure will perform cross phase modulation which will results the desired outputs at both ports.

    • #68395
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Sumit,
      there is a similar example (XOR-gate.osd) in OptiSystem Example Library that you could use as a basis for your project. It is located at the following link.
      C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\OptiSystem 17.1 Samples\Optical amplifiers\Semiconductor optical amplifiers
      Which version of OptiSystem are you using?

    • #68403
      Sumit Sharma

      Dear Ahmad,

      Thank you for your kind response.

      I am working with Optisystem 17.

      I have checked the XOR-gate.osd example in OptiSystem Example Library. In this example both the signals are traveling independent path, i.e., in two different arms without coupling. Moreover, none of the input is acting as a control signal.

      However, in my design both optical input signals (A and B) are coupled at coupler C2, where B act as the control signal. The presence and absence of control signal B decides the output at cross port (A.not(B)) and bar port (A.B), respectively.

      I have attached my design (SOA-MZI.osd), where output at “Optical Time Domain Visualizer_9” and “Optical Time Domain Visualizer_2” should be equal to bar (A.B) and cross states (A.not(B)), respectively.

      I appreciate your quick response.

    • #68404
      Sumit Sharma

      In previous response, faced some upload error for “SOA-MZI.osd” file. Hence, sending the image file for the same.
      Kindly check the attached “SOA-MZI.png” file for my design.

    • #68435
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Sumit,
      Could you please send the project as zip file? Unfortunately, you can’t send the file as an .osd. Pleas use my email ahmad.atieh@optiwave.com.
      I’ve sent you the reference to provide some guidance. I know it is different from your interferometer design.

    • #69070

      Hello ma’am,
      what is logic of these switch design using SOA-MZI. is their XGM and XPM concept used or not? if yes than please explain me entire process.

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