Home Forums FDTD 3D design implementation Ring Resonator

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    • #67166
      Syafiq Ramli

      Hi admin , do you mind share if there’s any tutorial or webinar that could help me regarding particular problem ? Somehow I’ve already start by following the instruction as of in the Getting Started Ring Resonator (2D Design) but I’ve already stuck at part finding the initial mode source for the 3.6.2 Transverse spatial distribution of the source as of I’m a bit lost due to data mode generation. What is the next steps that I need to do ?

      Thanks 🙂

    • #67184
      Scott Newman

      Please refer to our Webinar titled “Advanced Applications I” where we do walk through setting up a modal source. It can be found here under FDTD.


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Eric Tubby. Reason: Fixed URL
    • #67186
      Syafiq Ramli

      Thanks sir for you concern , but somehow the link doesn’t seems working

    • #67189
      Syafiq Ramli

      Okay I’m sorry it’s working now . It’s due to my poor connectivity . I’m sorry . I can get to watch it now . Thank you sir 🙂

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