Home Forums FDTD Is it possible to import Ring resonator design in OptiBPM in Optisystem

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    • #50899
      Fabrice MFUAMBA

      Dear all;

      I would like to import the designed file built in OptiBPM or OptiFDTD into OptiSystem is it possible?
      Any suggestion. Generally, I would like to simulate SBS in ring resonator but Optisytem doesn’t have this component available. How can ideal with this matter?

      Thank you for help

    • #50911
      Steve Dods

      Hello Fabrice,
      Yes, it is possible.
      Have a look at the OptiBPM Technical Background and Tutorials, pparticularly Lesson 11, Integrated optical circuit simulation using OptiBPM and OptiSystem – Scattering data export. There you will see a Mach-Zehnder interferometer modelled in OptiSystem. part of the optical system (the waveguide coupling ) was modelled with OptiBPM, and the results ttansferred to OptiSystem by means of a transfer matrix. Maybe this example will help you get started with your problem? Regards, Steve

    • #50925
      Fabrice MFUAMBA

      Thank you Steve
      this is useful feedback

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