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Home Forums FIBER simulation of BOTDA in optisystem

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    • #48801
      alireza katebi

      I’m new to Optisystem and I want to simulate SBS with the help of optisystem I found a related post in page:

      Setting for Brillouin & Raman fiber (Optisystem)

      but when I was openning that file in optiwave 15 can’t open the file and this error message was appeared
      ” A name clash occurred between a system parameter and user parameter in subsystem ’cw laser’ the user parameter was renamed to ’param1’ in only your scripts you must manually rename to param1”
      how can i solve this problem ?
      another question is that ”is it possible to simulate a BOTDA in optisystem ? and see reflected pulse in bidirectional fiber
      with the help of ”optical time domain visualizer ”? if there is a sample about this subject i would be very happy that
      send it to me
      thanks a lot for your attention

    • #48864

      Hi Alireza,
      Here is the example you want.

      Hope that helps,

    • #48887
      alireza katebi

      hi Mohamed
      thanks a lot for your help but I can’t see the backscattered Brillouin signal yet. In the attached file, I expect that optical time domain visualizer_3 shows a signal but shows nothing. However, the optical spectrum analyzer_3 shows the Backscattered Brillouin signal in frequency domain. how can I solve this problem?
      is it optisystem proper for analyzing distributed fiber optical sensors in time domain?
      does optisystem have the capability of simulating OTDR(optical time domain reflectometry) systems in time domain?

    • #48890

      Hi Katebi,
      In Optisystem, SBS, RS (Rayleigh scattering) signals are calculated as parametrized signals only (frequency domain only).
      we are working now to get have these signals in time domain as well as a sampled signals and build OTDR applications. might be the upcoming version of OptiSystem.


    • #88388
      Gabriel Sinclair

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