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    • #48406
      Jakub Lazinski

      I would like to ask for help in solving the task using OptiSystem.
      Well, I would like to calculate the optical input power needed to obtain the probability of errors bits equal to 10e-9. Transmitter layout with binary pulse amplitude modulation at 10 Mbps. The wavelength is 1300nm, the photodiode PIN has a quantum efficiency of 0.9 (which gives R = 0.944 A / W), dark current 1nA, diode resistance 1.5MOhm. The input amplifier transfer function is independent of the frequency and its input resistance is 3MOhm, the amplifier transconductance is 5mS. Behind the amplifier there is a rectangular impulse response filter. I’m asking for help.

    • #48486

      Hi Lazinski,
      you can sweep the input power then plot BER vs input power. From this curve you can get the the value of the input power that is counterpart of the required BER!!

      hope that helps and works

      Mohamed Abouseif

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