Home Forums SYSTEM Purchase of Optisystem

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    • #48265
      Muhammad Usman

      Dear all,

      I want to establish a lab in my department. And I need to purchase this software. However, the budget is limited and I want to establish lab with in available resources. Is it possible to purchase 01 license and share among other Lab PCs. Also price quote for 01 license is required.

    • #48327
      Bryan Tipper

      Yes, we have different licensing configurations (node-locked, floating). Floating licenses are sold with a USB licensing key.

      Ex. If you purchase a 1-user floating license, then only 1 client on your network can use the software at any given time. If you require 5 simultaneous clients, you need to purchase a 5-user floating license. There is however, no limitation on the # clients that can install the software.

      For more info, please email info@optiwave.com


    • #80213

      Sir, I need 01 license for my personal use with limited time period, please provide a quote.I already mailed it to you.

    • #82817

      Sir, I need 01 license for my personal use with limited time period, please provide a quote.I already mailed it to you.

    • #80215
      Sawyer Ge

      Hello Arjina,

      Thanks for your interest in our product.
      Can you send your request to sawyer.ge@optiwave.com?


    • #82819
      Sawyer Ge

      Hello Arjina,

      Thanks for your interest in our product.
      Can you send your request to sawyer.ge@optiwave.com?


    • #86886
      Vishakha Singh

      I want to purchase this software for my personal use. please do the needful as soon as possible

    • #86888
      Sawyer Ge

      Hello Vishakha,

      Thanks for your intereste in our product,
      I have replied to your email. Can you check your inbox?



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