Home Forums SYSTEM Free-Space Table Top Simulation Help

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    • #29366
      Sergio Bosi

      Good afternoon,

      I’m fairly new to Optisystem. For my senior design project at UF I am designing a FSO link. I would like to simulate my system, using Optisystem, to get a feel of what type of power levels I am dealing with. I am currently using four Finisar transceiver models (FWLF16217Dxx) and plan to multiplex/demultiplex them by position two GRIN rods very close to each other. I have attached a simply schematic below. At the moment, I want to simulate the power of one directly modulated laser as I dont have access yet to an optical power meter. But because I am dealing with small distances, when I read the power level after the FSO channel, I am getting a higher value then the 5 dBm from the source (15 to 17 dBm roughly). I have attached a screen shot of the schematic below. The left meter is before the FSO channel, and the right meter displays the readings after the FSO channel.

      Can anyone give me any pointers on how to set up this simulation correctly on optisystem? Is it even feasible? My GRIN rods will be very close to eachother (probably less then a meter apart). I don’t want to damage any hardware when I start putting the system together.

      I’m new to the optics things as well. Although i enjoy the subject a lot, I feel like i need more then a couple weeks to really understand it so i appreciate any responses!


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