Home Forums SYSTEM Multi Ports OFDM

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    • #28774
      Mohamed Ben zegalam

      Hi All,

      I am working on OFDMA PON by using multi ports OFDM modulator at OLT, I manage to design two ports OFDM as per the attached file, but when I increase the number of the ports I noticed that just ports that their sub-carriers close to the middle of the FTT point are giving a good result.
      I tried to play with the position of ports sub-carriers by putting some times the port 1 in the middle of the FTT, or port 3 in the middle. always two ports that close to the middle of the FTT point are good one.

      Is there any one face this problem before?, any suggestion I will be grateful

    • #28780
      Mohamed Ben zegalam

      Is there any one manage to design more than two ports OFDM

    • #28816
      Mohamed Ben zegalam

      It look likes no one has this issue before. I am wondering if some one know how to solve this issue. Any suggestions it will be helpful.

      Thanks in advance

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