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    • #18736
      Ajay Vyas

      In any of he optical link when we increase the length of fiber.the NLD is increased HOw we can analysis the order of NONlinearity of link

    • #19074

      Hi Ajay,

      What do you abbreviate as NLD? Non-linear distortion? In my opinion, I would say that NLD increases with the increasing input power at the transmitter terminal (that’s the main reason). This power, in its turn, is due to increase the length of fiber in a link (span, section, etc.)

      In general, one can simulate non-linearities in OptiSystem by enabling them at the Enhanced tab in the Component Properties window…

    • #19083
      Ajay Vyas

      Thanks for your response. Yes NLD means Nonlinear Distortion, If we talk about the order of nonlinearity like 3rd, 5th or 7th then how we can said like that after increase the power or length of fiber, Is any tool or graph which can be plot or observe the response of the NLD

    • #19213
      Ajay Vyas

      Yes I understand the properties of the Optical fiber to enabling the Nonlinear parameter like dispersion, SPM, Attenuation but HOW can observer at the receiving side that order of this NLD

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