Home Forums FDTD Plasmonics and SPASER

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    • #11092
      Max Chung

      Two equestions:
      1) Suppose I want to put a biased (DC & RF) gate electrode near a plasmonics waveguide (like the one in the example), how can I do that?
      2) Suppose I want to simulate a SPASER excited by the plasmonic waveguide, I create a InGaAs crystal on top of the waveguide at some distance, how exactly does FDTD simulate the plasmonic wave exciting the carriers in the crystal, and generate the laser optical output? Or it can’t?

    • #11134
      Aurelien Duval


      Unfortunately our software cannot simulate active materials for the moment. This is definitely something we are looking into adding to our simulation engine, but I cannot really say more at the moment.

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