Home Forums KNOWLEDGE Polarization Modelling [Optical System]

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    • #10122
      Damian Marek


      How does OptiSystem handle DP-QPSK receiver analysis? Does the simulation model the fiber in a Monte-Carlo sense? Does it use coarse-steps to model linear PMD?

    • #10123
      Damian Marek


      Yes it does. I have quoted the section in our documentation which describes how we model PMD for the Optical Fiber component. You can find this information by right clicking on the Optical Fiber Component, choosing Component Properties and then clicking on Help.

      The “coarse-step method” [11] is used to simulate the PMD effects in the “Stochastic” mode. The fiber is represented by a concatenation of trunks and the propagation of light in each trunk is simulated by the split-step Fourier method described in the previous section. The lengths of the trunks are random numbers with a Gaussian distribution [12].

      [11] D. Marcuse, C. R. Menyuk and P. K. A. Wai JLT, vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 1735 (1997).

      [12] C. H. Prola Jr., J. A. Pereira da Silva, A. O. Dal Forno, R. Passy, J. P. Von der Weid, and N. Gisin IEEE Phot. Technol.
      Letters, 9, No. 6, 842 (1997).

    • #10375
      Ahmad Mustafa

      Can I also simulate Polarization Mode Dispersion in a multimode scenario in OptiSystem? As far as I know, OptiSystem does not have components with multi-mode interface. Please let me know if there are such components in this simulation software.


      • #10748
        Tech Support

        We don’t presently have PMD simulation capability within our multimode fiber models. We do however have multimode sources that work with our multimode fibers.

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