Cloud Licensing “Save Time & Money”



Benefits of Cloud Licensing

  • Your license will be ready-to-use immediately
  • There is no extra cost or hassle with shipping & customs
  • Updating your license is extremely simple

To request a quotation please email

Optiwave users can now install their software packages locally and license them via our Cloud service.  Here’s how it works:

You will need the following:

  • 1. Internet Connection
  • 2. Computer with Windows 10/11

To setup your license, you simply:

  • 1. Connect to the Internet
  • 2. Download & Install your Optiwave package(s)
  • 3. Download & Install our Licensing Manager
  • 4. Sign-in to your Optiwave account (credentials supplied at time of purchase)

After step 4, the licensing manager takes care of the rest!  It will keep your license updated, notify you when there are software upgrades, and provide an easy interface for accessing new & old software installations.


How many computers can I register the license to?
This varies depending on what is stipulated in the contract. Typically, one license will allow three computers per purchased license.

Can I use the software offline?
Yes, but only for a maximum of 2 weeks. After these 2 weeks, your entitlements will expire.  To “Release Entitlements,” you must connect to the internet.

Can Optiwave manually “Release Entitlements” for a given user?
Yes, Optiwave can remove entitlements server-side if you cannot locate the person or computer currently using them. Requests must come directly from the end-user in charge of the Optiwave license (email

Does the Optiwave License Manager Utility always need to be running?
Yes. The utility keeps your license up-to-date and allows the Optiwave software packages to run. You should see the Optiwave Utility on your Windows System Tray.

To request access or further information about Optiwave’s Cloud Licensing, please email