Home Forums SYSTEM modeling optical fiber using matlab

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    • #19631
      mohammed hosni

      please i need to design WDM communication system by using PMMA polymer fiber with the following parameter attenuation 150 db/km , length 20 m,temperature 70 Celsius,core size 980 micro meter , cladding size 1mm.
      as there isn’t PMMA polymer fiber component in optisystem so i need to model PMMA polymer fiber with the mentioned parameter using matlab component. if there is another way to use optical fiber component in optisystem please tell me it if not please tell me how i can model first glass optical fiber using matlab component to compare the results with the optical fiber component which already exist in optisystem software .
      then i will model PMMA polymer fiber.
      i need your help for my master degree study.

    • #19643
      Damian Marek

      If you have more information about the fiber you can do it directly in OptiSystem, like core refractive index, cladding index etc.

    • #19665
      mohammed hosni

      what about the other mentioned parameters?
      what about modeling optical fiber with matlab component?

    • #19680
      Abdallah Ismail

      We are modeling fiber using split step Fourier method that solve Schrodinger equation.
      In case that your fiber is a special case of SMF or MMF, you can use Measured components of theses fibers with your parameters that Damian mentioned above to model your fiber.

    • #19709
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Abdallah Hi,
      Can you elaborate, how are you modelling and simulating fiber.
      thanks and regards,
      Sethi Rk

    • #19713
      mohammed hosni

      Refractive index=1.4906
      Chromatic dispersion=dn/dλ = -0.043329 µm-1
      Group velocity dispersion
      GVD = 81.808 fs2/mm
      D = -446.31 ps/(nm km)
      Dispersion formula

    • #19938
      Abdallah Ismail

      Is this dispersion value is real?

    • #20017
      mohammed hosni


    • #20104
      mohammed hosni

      please find the attached files matlam m.file for modeling the attenuation and the dispersion of fibe that is just example but there is an error about the dispersion please help me to model the dispersion by matlab

    • #20105
      mohammed hosni

      that is optisystem file

    • #20108
      Abdallah Ismail

      I hope the attached files, helps you Mohamed.

    • #20109
      Abdallah Ismail

      There is a problem with the attachments

    • #20111
      Abdallah Ismail

      also this one

    • #20112
      Abdallah Ismail

      that is it

    • #20113
      Abdallah Ismail

      hope optiwave solve it

    • #20114
      mohammed hosni

      thanks Abdallah Ismail
      but how can i use this file with optisystem matlab component

    • #20115
      Abdallah Ismail

      it’ll not work without the function

    • #20116
      Abdallah Ismail

      hope it attached for the last time

    • #20117
      Abdallah Ismail

      copy this code to a function file with name sym_ssf
      function [to,fo] = sym_ssf(M,h,gamma,Dh,uf0)
      % Symmetrized Split-Step Fourier Algorithm
      % ==Inputs==
      % M = Simulation step number ( M*h = simulation distance )
      % h = Simulation step
      % gamma = Nonlinearity coefficient
      % Dh = Dispersion operator in frequency domain
      % uf0 = Input field in the frequency domain
      % ==Outputs==
      % to = Output field in the time domain
      % fo = Output field in the frequency domain
      % written by Jong-Hyung Lee
      for k = 1:M
      % Propagation in the first half dispersion region, z to z+h/2
      Hf = Dh.*uf0;
      % Initial estimate of the nonlinear phase shift at z+(h/2)
      % Initial estimate value
      ht = ifft(Hf); % time signal after h/2 dispersion region
      pq = ht.*conj(ht); % intensity in time
      u2e = ht.*exp(h*1i*gamma*pq); %Time signal
      % Propagation in the second Dispersion Region, z+(h/2) to z+h
      u2ef = fft(u2e);
      u3ef = u2ef.*Dh;
      u3e = ifft(u3ef);
      u3ei = u3e.*conj(u3e);
      % Iteration for the nonlinear phase shift(two iterations)
      u2 = ht.*exp((h/2)*1i*gamma*(pq+u3ei));
      u2f = fft(u2) ;
      u3f = u2f.* Dh;
      u4 = ifft(u3f);
      u4i = u4.*conj(u4);
      u5 = ht.*exp((h/2)*1i*gamma*(pq+u4i));
      u5f = fft(u5);
      uf0 = u5f.*Dh;
      u6 = ifft(uf0); u6i = u6.*conj(u6);
      % Maximum allowable tolerance after the two iterations
      etol = 1e-5;
      if abs(max(abs(u6i))-max(abs(u4i)))/max(abs(u6i)) > etol
      disp(‘Peak value is not converging Reduce Step Size’),break
      to = u6; fo = uf0;


    • #20118
      Abdallah Ismail

      I think that code will not help you, where your fiber can not be modeled with SMF Schrodinger’s equation.
      Schrodinger’s equation is not used for modeling multimode fiber as well as PMMA polymer fiber.
      There are conditions for Schrodinger’s equation to be valid.
      Try to look for modeling PMMA polymer fiber, and i think you can use another tools of optiwave for this purpose.

    • #20121
      mohammed hosni

      if i want this code for smf fiber how can i use this code with optisytem matlab component

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