Home Forums SYSTEM Coupling Efficiency of LP Modes in Parabolic MMF

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    • #35221
      Aadil Raza

      Dear All,

      I have following queries regarding MMF model used in optisystem.
      1. Can any one tell me how to calculate number of modes in Parabolic MMF?
      2. What is the Mode Group formula for calculated LP modes in MMF model used in Optisystem 14?
      3. Which are the preferred LP modes (Like LP01, LP11 etc) for mode division multiplexing and how we can determine it and why?
      4. if we use two LP modes like LP01 and LP11 then after mode division multiplexing through MMF, which formula is used to determine ‘Fraction of power’ (see report in MMF parameters) for both modes (as it is different for both modes) ?
      As we know lower order modes carry higher power than lower order modes….i want specific formula…

      Best Regards

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