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Hi Rajguru m. Mohan,
For better understanding i want to put it in simpler words that is Optical wireless refers to the combined use of two technologies -conventional radio-frequency (RF) wireless and optical fiber – for telecommunication. Long-range links are provided by optical fiber (also known as fiber optic cables), and links from the long-range end-points to end users are accomplished by RF wireless. Sometimes the local links are provided by laser systems, also known as free-space optics (FSO), rather than by RF wireless. Optical wireless refers to the combined use of two technologies – conventional radio-frequency (RF) wireless and optical fiber – for telecommunication. Long-range links are provided by optical fiber (also known as fiber optic cables), and links from the long-range end-points to end users are accomplished by RF wireless. Sometimes the local links are provided by laser systems, also known as free-space optics (FSO), rather than by RF wireless.

I hope this will clear the air.
