Home Forums SYSTEM How to Apply NRZ/RZ coding in DP-QPSK Transmitters

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    • #12146

      Since DP-QPSK transmitters doesn’t have an option to chose the coding type of NRZ/RZ how do we supposed to apply these coding in DP-QPSK transmitters?

    • #12159
      Damian Marek


      You can change these settings in the Optical DPSK transmitter, but not in the QPSK transmitter. However go into the Help document of the DP-QPSK transmitter and take a look at the equivalent layout. You could modulate the optical signal with an additional sine wave to get the RZ format.

      Let me know if this works.

    • #12194

      Do u mean that the default coding for DP-QPSK transmitter is NRZ?

      • #12204
        Damian Marek

        The default QPSK transmitter outputs constant power with different phase shifts corresponding to different bit sequences. I’m not familiar with the NRZ-RZ notation when applied to QPSK, would the power return to zero or do you want the phase to return to zero?

    • #13050
      Selvendran S

      yes, default output is NRZ. but it can be modify to RZ(33%) or CSRZ (67%) using pulse carving technique as given in sample files of optisystem

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